Download Free Software Aisin Tf 80 Sc Manual
Feb 14, 2018 - New member & first post. Got my '10 S80 (3.2L) back in December with 39k and it has been shifting odd. I've researched the TF-80SC and it.
• Suggest graphing engine RPM & transmission ISS #182. When correct, they follow each other with slight delay/lower ISS. • Flare and harsh shifts show up on graphs as spikes or square wave shift transitions. • Drive monitoring TCC slip RPM. Verify TCC stages: off, on, modulated slip mode.
• When K-3 is too far out of adjustment, a cut-loose will occur on 2-3 or harsh 3-2 downshifts. It is likely the B-1 will have to be adjusted at the same time. • Drive and adjust in city driving conditions first. Once acceptable, drive it harder with elevated upshifts and coast down. • Remove oil pan and adjust clutch control valves.
Always measure & record the OE position. • To overcome a flare on 2-3, back out the K3 adjuster which increases apply psi. You may have to turn in the B1 adjuster to slow down its exhaust rate. Suggest 1/2 to 3/4 turn per test. • Suggest use of graphing scanner to monitor engine RPM vs.
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Should not have spikes in engine RPM during down shift. Engine RPM and ISS #182, sensors should parallel each other. If the engine RPM has spikes at the beginning of shift, clutch pressure is not high/fast enough. If the engine RPM sensor appears to be a square form or dips down during shift, there is a bind up and the opposing clutch (probably B1) may have to be adjusted as well.