Download Video Klip Jar Of Heart Christina Perri
Dec 13, 2014 AHHHH ITS HERE!!! Please enjoy the heart + soul + guts in my official music video for jar of hearts!!!!! Special thanks to atlantic records, stacey tookey, allison holker, kathryn mccormick, keltie colleen, chantel aguirre.
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Posle 816), gertsoga Vaskonii v 812-816 godu, odnako dokumental nogo podtverzhdeniya etoi versii net. Svoe nazvanie - Khimenes - rod poluchil ot vnuka rodonachal nika, grafa Khimeno Garsesa, pravivshego v pervoi polovine IX veka v Sanguese, nazyvaemoi -Kodeksom Rody- -drugoi chast yu korolevstva. V nastoyashchyee vremya istoriki schitayut, chto dinastii Khimenes i Arista (ili In igesy), vozmozhno, proiskhodili ot odnogo rodonachal nika, kotorym yavlyalsya upominaemyi v 781 godu graf Pamplony Khimeno Sil nyi. Drevo dinastiya romanovih ki. Pervye Khimenesy, 9-ogo veka, byli gertsogi ili regenty tekh chastyei Navarry, kotorye napryamuyu ne upravlyalis dinastiyei Arista (koroli Pamplony, budushchyei Navarry). Veroyatno oblasti na granitse Alavy i zapadnykh otrogov Pirenyeev sostavlyali ikh domen.
Download the 'jar of hearts' music video on itunes! AHHHH ITS HERE!!! Please enjoy the heart + soul + guts in my official music video for jar of hearts!!!!!!! Special thanks to atlantic records, stacey tookey, allison holker, kathryn mccormick, keltie colleen, chantel aguirre, eboni adams, chelsea thedinga, peter chu, jay martin, jill kaplan, + the whole crew + DNA.
Christina Perri's touching ballad A Thousand Years could make a return to the Official Singles Chart Top 40 this week after it was used in a C arpool Karaoke-style video in support of. The video, which has been watched 3.4 million times on YouTube, features 50 mums and their children singing along to Perri's 2011 hit. The mums are all part of a Facebook group known as 'Designer Genes', created for parents who have a child with Down’s Syndrome born in 2013/2014. The video was inspired by Singing Hands - a UK organisation who's videos have helped many in the group learn Makaton for supporting their children’s communication development. Reacting to the video, Christina tweeted: 'THIS IS THE BEST!!!! I’m so honored they chose my song!
My heart is so full!!!' A Thousand Years is at Number 39 in the latest sales flash, which you can. Discussing the video's accompanying hashtag #WouldntChangeAThing, Becky Carless, who came up with the idea, told: 'We say we wouldn't change a thing about our children but we'd change the world for them. We want to put across a positive view on our lives and that we're all happy and our kids are all happy. The barriers that we cross tend to be people's perception of our children.'
Fellow mum Victoria added: 'It's positive awareness. Down's Syndrome for new mums, it's to give them awareness that life is actually more normal than you'd ever believe.' Christina Perri's A Thousand Years peaked at Number 32 upon its original release in 2011. It re-entered at 13 the following year and reached its Number 11 peak in 2013 after being performed on various TV talent shows, including The X Factor.