Instrukciya Po Pravilam Dorozhnogo Dvizheniya Dlya Uchaschihsya 5 11 Klassov
In compliance with the Federal Law dated August 23, 1996 No.127-F3 “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy” in order to support scientific, technical and innovative activity through its financial support state funds are established. The largest of these funds are the Russian Foundation for Basic Research () and the Russian Science Foundation ().
Shablon objyavleniya s otrivnimi listochkami a5. State funds are a flexible tool to support research on a competitive basis, taking into account the specifics of a particular area and aimed at the development and competitive growth of scientific organisations. The site contains the list of competitions by RFBR, RSF, and BRFFR-JINR (joint competition of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research and JINR), the lists of projects at JINR supported by the funds, as well as the summary reports of these projects.
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