Las Vegas Season 4 Episode 1 Torrent Download
You can download CSI Las Vegas Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 here at TopTvShows.me. Latest episodes available for free download. We monitor the air dates of TV Show. Created by Gary Scott Thompson. With Josh Duhamel, James Caan, James Lesure, Vanessa Marcil. Welcome to the Montecito Resort and Casino in Las Vegas,.
This playlist includes 1 main video and more: Counting Cars S07 E01 Counting Cars S07 E02 Counting Cars S07 E03 Counting Cars S07 E04 Counting Cars S07 E05 Counting Cars Season 7. The latest episode here: When Rick Harrison and the rest of the 'Pawn Stars' gang need to restore a vehicle they're buying, they turn to Danny 'The Count' Koker, who runs Las Vegas auto shop Count's Kustoms. The Count now gets his own half-hour show that showcases.
Las Vegas was an hour-long television show that aired on NBC for five years. The show cast consisted of James Caan, Josh Duhamel, Vanessa Marcil, Nikki Cox, and Molly Simms. Las Vegas was set in a fictional resort and casino where James Caan was the boss. Josh Duhamel dealt with security issues for the resort and casino, and other problems.
His character was an ex-military man. The show also involved love affairs and guest stars. The show had humor and drama. At one point in the show, Josh Duhamel and Molly Simms' character were having a love affair. James Caan left the series before the show ended. The show dealt with issues of abuse with Nikki Cox's character. Las Vegas' dealt with themes about work, love, and dealing with your past.
Las Vegas had a very good looking cast. Vanessa Marcil played a character named Sam who had a bit of a past herself. 1 decade ago Casey Manning's brother, Vic, is back in town and has his eye on Sam and the Montecito. Cooper has big plans for a major expansion. Mike and Piper plan a more formal wedding ceremony and others pile on making for multiple nuptuals. Mike's uncle, a church deacon, behaves badly at his stag party, causing family friction. Jillian Deline returns to the Montecito to visit Delinda and reveals some startling news regarding Ed.
Everyone is shocked at potential tragedies that unfold just prior to the ceremonies. 1 decade ago In an effort to get rid of a pesty teenager belonging to a whale, Piper makes the mistake of allowing her one spin on a slot machine. When the gaming commission comes after Piper, Cooper bails her out with $1 million, surprising his staff. Meanwhile, Sam and Polly are ordered to attend driver's school after Sam is cited for speeding and Polly is caught lying for her in court. Danny and Delinda take parenting classes and encounter a neurotically over-organized couple who are treating the pregnancy more like management consultants than expectant parents. 1 decade ago A long-wanted fugitive has been tracked to the Montecito, attracting an unsavory collection of assasins and bounty hunters, along with federal agents. Cooper, Mike, and Danny have their hands full attempting to keep the casino from becoming a battlefield.
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Out at the pool, three very attractive women are causing a stir and may also be cheating at the in-pool blackjack table. Sam tries to comfort one of her favorite whales who recently lost his wife and children. Delinda deals with her increasing girth from being pregnant. Piper doesn't help by banishing her from the pool area. 1 decade ago The Montecito is in complete chaos in the wake of the murder of Mary's father, an armed robbery, Sam's kidnapping, and an explosion. A list of suspects in the murder soon emerges, and the investigation begins to narrow in on certain suspects when a cell phone video surfaces. At the casino, Ed must find out if the robbery was an inside job.
Meanwhile, Mike and his team work endlessly on solving the murder. Delinda, who barely escaped the explosion, finally tells Danny her secret. Sam tries to escape from her kidnapper. The new owner, AJ Cooper, arrives.

1 decade ago A very rare wine has been discovered in the wine cellar of the Montecito, which Ed sees a perfect opportunity to boost the casion's profile. Unfortunately, Mike realizes the wine isn't genuine just minutes after it is auctioned off for one million dollars. Meanwhile, a group of retirees checks into the Montecito for a soduku tournament but some of the women give Sam a hard time when they have a different idea of fun. Danny gets insecure when Delinda starts spending a lot of time with a new toy. 1 decade ago Vegas heats up as Boston Medical Examiner Jordan Cavanaugh and police officer Woody Holt come to the Montecito hot on the trail of a murder and a missing rare violin. Meanwhile, the Montecito is dealing with its own missing items.
Someone has robbed the casino's safe deposit vault containing potentially priceless items. Among the items, the rare violin and Lawrence Taylor's favorite superbowl ring. Amidst the chaos Danny and Delinda try to figure out the best way to tell Ed that they are moving in together.