Nyssma Manual Pdf
NYSSMA Manual (Edition 32) Page #: _____ (if a private. By signing this form I am stating that I have read and understand the NYSSMA guidelines. NYSSMA MANUAL ORDER FORM: Please use the following form to indicate your Shipping Address and the items you would like to purchase. First Name Required fields in red.
NYSSMA Solo & Ensemble Catalog Contests Catalog Solo & Ensemble Repertoire for New York State's NYSSMA Adjudication & Festivals • • • • NYSSMA You Are Here: See Also: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Vocal Solos Click a link beneath a Grade Level to see a list of selections for that Grade. • • Grade 1 • • Grade 2 • • • Grade 3 • • Grade 4 • • • Grade 5 • • • Grade 6 • • • • • • • • Grades 1 through 6 - Click or tap a colored box to see a list of selections for that instrument and level. Please note this system represents most but not all of the NYSSMA Manual. Please refer to your Manual when selecting music to confirm details.
Contents subject to change without notice. Frequently Asked Questions regarding NYSSMA: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NYSSMA (pronounced NISS-muh), is an acronym for 'New York State School Music Association.' NYSSMA maintains a large, comprehensive listing of solos, chamber ensembles and large ensembles (band, jazz band, orchestra, chorus) graded on a six level scale, with 6 being the highest. (See our for a rough guide to what the levels mean). Solo festivals are held throughout New York State in the second semester. The purpose of the festivals is to provide evaluations of performances by independant judges.
The solo festivals are also used to determine eligibility for the various All State ensembles. That is up to you and your music teacher. Choose a piece you will enjoy learning and that best fits your ability level. NYSSMA Evaluation Festival solos are split into six levels of difficulty, with the 6th level being the most difficult (see our for a rough guide to what the levels mean). If you are also planning to audition for an All-State ensemble, you must play a Level 6 piece, along with all other requirements for the audition. Any solo that is played at the Conference needs to be listed in the NYSSMA Manual and performed as listed.
Fake drivers license maker software. The is essentially a large list of acceptable pieces of music that can be played at a NYSSMA Festival. The listing of solos is updated every three to four years, with some titles added and others dropped. Therefore, it is important that your instructor check the Manual to be sure that your piece still qualifies as a NYSSMA Solo. In addition, it contains the bylaws of the organization, rules for Festival performance, and criteria for sight reading. The Manual is comprehensive and highly regarded, and as such is used by many other states and organizations besides New York.
NYSSMA Manuals are available for sale at Hickeys should you wish to purchase one. Please see our to place an order. Your school teacher and/or private instructor should have a current Manual that they can refer to. It is not required for parents and students to have their own copy. But, if you want to order one, you can do so. According to NYSSMA Regulations, the publishers/editions listed in the Manual are recommendations because of high quality editing.
However, any standard edition by a reputable publisher is acceptable and will be permitted () so long as the piece has not been shortened, simplified, rearranged or the key changed. There is a good deal of confusion on this point as many people, including some teachers, are unaware of this provision for alternate editions. Always check with your instructor before ordering your piece in case they have a preference or recommendation. At the very least, please be able to provide Composer, Title and Instrument. Additionally, it is helpful if you also know opus number and key, Arranger/Editor, Publisher and number of copies needed. It is best if you write this information down exactly as it appears in the Manual.
No, unless there are very specific extenuating circumstances. According to NYSSMA Regulations and U.S. Copyright Law, all participants are prohibited from using illegally copied music (i.e. Photocopies) unless your instructor presents a letter to the proper NYSSMA Zone Representative from the publisher granting permission.
Please note that letters from teachers or music stores claiming that the music is on order or otherwise unavailable are not acceptable to NYSSMA judges (). All soloists are required to have at least one complete legal copy with them at the performance (). This is true even if you are performing from memory, as a copy will still be needed by the adjudicators. If you are performing a work that calls for piano accompaniment, but you are playing without piano, you can give the piano part to the adjudicators. If you do not provide a legal copy for the adjudicator, they will be forced to look at the music over your shoulder during the performance (which may contribute to a shaky performance).