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Officially, there exist no minorities in France, because their recognition suggests that they should be granted specific collective rights, but this contradicts the constitutional principles of the French Republic. In order to determine the true extent of the vulnerability of linguistic minorities’ position in modern France and to give an adequate assessment of the latter’s actions in relation to this category of persons, in this article we examine the report of the UN independent expert on minority issues G. McDougall on her mission to France in 2007 and reports summarizing the progress of the first and second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review on France, which took place in 2008 and 2013 respectively. ECT as the source of international legal regulation of foreign investments The article presents the international legal analysis of the Energy Charter Treaty signed in 1994.Russia signed ECT in 1994, but has not ratified it. ECT and a number of other attached documents infringes the rights of our country.
OpraHH3aQHH.r.eHTeJibHOCTH ne.z.arorH1Iec1rnro coseTa 5.1. Ile.n;arorHtieCKHH COBeT H36HpaeT H3 CBoero COCTaBa ceKpeTap}I COBeTa.
Until 2009, our country has used the ECT temporary. 20 August 2009 Russia officially announced about the termination of the temporal application and refused to ratify it.
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Article 26 of the ECT legislate a new way to establish a direct arbitration for private investors, regardless of the specific provisions of the Arbitration agreement. After entry into force of the ECT April 16, 1998 18 investment dispute were referred to settlement by the rules of the treaty. Keywords: European Energy Charter, the Energy Charter Treaty, the international arbitration mechanism for the settlement of investment disputes, the case «Kardassopulos v.s Georgia», Article 10 (2) («Promotion, protection and treatment of the investments»), Article 13 («The expropriation of foreign investments ‘), Article 18 («Sovereignty over energy resources»). Work bibliographic list 1. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 30 ijulja 2009 g. # 1055-r «O namerenii Rossijskoj Federacii ne stanovit'sja uchastnikom Dogovora k Jenergeticheskoj hartii» // SZ RF.
— 2009.— # 32. Traditional values and problems of LGBT in resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council Promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all is the fundamental principle of contemporary international law enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations Organization (para. 1 of the Charter). Human rights form one of the three pillars, main spheres and directions of activities of the UN. Traditional values and problems of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders are at the forefront of lively international debates in recent years.
Both issues are capable of strengthening or weakening the effectiveness of international cooperation concerning human rights generally. The present article is devoted to the analysis of the involvement of the main UN charter-based human rights body, i.e.
Human Rights Council, into consideration of traditional values in human rights protection context and of international legal position of LGBT. Key words: international law, human rights protection, Human Rights Council, traditional values, LGBT Work bibliographic list 1. Abashidze A.H., Klishas A.A. «Gendernye aspekty» i «tradicionnye cennosti» cherez prizmu mezhdunarodnogo prava prav cheloveka // Gendernye aspekty i tradicionnye cennosti v svete mezhdunarodnogo prava: materialy kruglyh stolov 12 aprelja i 10 oktjabrja 2014 g. V ramkah XII ezhegodnoj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati prof.

Blishhenko / pod red. Abashidze, N.S. Semenovoj, E.V. Kiselevoj, E.S. - M.: Pokrov PRO, 2015. Kiseleva E.V.
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Iskazhenie tekstov mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov kak metodologija prodvizhenija prav LGBT // Gendernye aspekty i tradicionnye cennosti v svete mezhdunarodnogo prava: materialy kruglyh stolov 12 aprelja i 10 oktjabrja 2014 g. V ramkah XII ezhegodnoj Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye problemy sovremennogo mezhdunarodnogo prava», posvjashhennoj pamjati prof. Blishhenko / pod red. Abashidze, N.S. Semenovoj, E.V.