Steam Api Init Failed
This application has failed to start because steam_api.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. Steam_api.dll Not Found.
Hi, I'm running Unity 5,3,1f Personal. My first game was recently Greenlit so this is my first time getting a game onto Steam.
I imported the SteamWorks.NET Unity component as per the instructions here steam_api.dll did not appear in the root, but the steam_appid.txt did and I edited it, making it my own appid. While poking around I found steam_api.dll under Assets/Plugins/x86. So not 100% sure that the import went correctly. When I have steam running and launch the game in Unity UI I get this error. Same if I run a stand alone build. [Steamworks.NET] SteamAPI_Init() failed. Refer to Valve's documentation or the comment above this line for more information.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object, Object) SteamManager:Awake() (at Assets/Scripts/Steamwork.NET/SteamManager.cs:97) Is this normal? Is it because I am not launching it from Steam? I'm having this same issue in the Unity editor. How can you launch your game within the Unity editor and get support for Steamworks?
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Doesn't seem valid that you have to do a build to test the Steamworks functionality. Also, when I did the import of the Steamworks.Net unitypackage it didn't copy the dll's to the root directory (which I believe is now the correct process?) I have my steam_appid.txt file in my root directory and I updated the number. I've run DbgView and I don't see any output from Steam that would shed any light on what the issue may be. Unity 5.3.4f1 64 bit. I've resolved the issue, I'll post in case someone else hits the same problem. The issue is because my app ID is for an unpublished app and my steamworks account is not the same as the account I log into steam on my desktop with, it means the API doesn't have permission to access the App ID.
I resolved it by adding a permission for my desktop steam account within my steamworks web page and now it's working. This is probably obvious to most people!:) but if you're stumped like I was, then try this!:). I'm having a similar problem. When I run my game within Unity, DbgView reports that it's 'unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient64.dll'. But with a build (without a local steam_appid.txt) it works fine.
I've got the steam_api64.dll in the root directory and I've tried it with and without the appid file, but it's the same result. What I find strange is that when I put the appid file in the build directory it creates the same problem when I thought you had to put it there to solve it. I have triple checked that it's got the correct id in it. This is done via one of two ways. A: Your account must be in your Steamworks partner group. B: Your account owns the game through a 'Developer Comp' (red) CD-Key.
Essentially it just means that your game should show up as playable in your Steam library.: Yes, you need to manually copy steam_appid.txt if you need it. You're not supposed to ship it to customers as Steam injects the appid itself when it's run from Steam.
You can ensure that you're running from Steam by calling SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary with your AppId (as is done in SteamManager). Having the same/similar problem. At this point I'm not entirely sure where the problem lies(Steamworks.Net, Steamworks SDK).