Success Intermediate Teachers Book
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1 Are more young people joining the Scouts these days? 2 Parents do not/don’t always understand their children’s problems. Abc 4 kz kryak trailer. 3 She is not/isn’t doing a lot of work for charity at the moment. 4 The club does not/doesn’t have a website. 5 He is/He’s happier now that he knows more people. 6 Are you listening to the concert? 7 I do not/don’t support a political party.
Success Pre-Intermediate Teachers Book Pack by Rod Fricker, 098, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Success: Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book Pack by Rod Fricker starting at $59.07. Success: Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book Pack has 1 available editions.
8 She forgets the time of the meeting every week./Every week she forgets the time of the meeting. 9 We are/We’re waiting for the rain to stop before we go out.
10 It is not/It’s not/It isn’t snowing at the moment.