Tomb Raider Congratulations You Have Successfully Installed Downloadable Conten
Shablon awp ksgo. Dec 6, 2013 - I recently installed tomb raider and when i play the game at the beginning a. Appears showing something like 'congratulations on instaling this game. Please tell me a way to get past this and play the game thank you. I recently installed tomb raider and when i play the game at the beginning a message appears showing something like 'congratulations on instaling this game.' I cant get past this message box, when i click OK button or close button or use esc it closes and almost before.
The recent Tomb Raider franchise reboot has left a sour taste in my video game mouth, so I've decided to return to Lara Croft's dual-wielding, infinite-ammo, raiding of tomb roots! As you may already know, I'm a huge Tomb Raider fan, it having been one of the first 'modern' video games I remember playing. Tomb Raider: Anniversary came out ten years after the original Tomb Raider, and is a complete remake of that game's story, levels and plot using a then up-to-date graphics engine. • SUBSCRIBE: • Twitch: • Patreon: • Twitter: • NEW merch store: Please 'Like' and Subscribe if you enjoy videos like this!