Bill Phillips Eating For Life Pdf Free

This hardcover book by Bill Phillips teaches you about nutrition and contains over 100 delicious, nutritious and healthy recipes which you can enjoy for life! Eating for Life is the scientifically sound, practical, safe and sustainable nutrition plan for improved health, fitness and weight loss.

The Body for Life diet is an exercise and nutrition program created by Bill Phillips, founder of EAS, a performance-nutrition company, and author of Body for Life, a bestselling book about the program. Body for Life Diet: What Is It? The Body for Life diet is a 12-week nutrition and program. The dietary component of the program promotes eating small meals of lean protein and healthy carbohydrates every few hours, up to six times a day. The exercise component of the program entails 45 minutes of weight training three days a week, alternating with 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three days a week. On the seventh day, you can eat whatever you want and take a break from workouts. Body for Life Diet: How Does It Work?

According to Phillips, the Body for Life diet is based on research that suggests eating smaller meals more frequently speeds up your metabolism and helps you maintain steady energy levels throughout the day. “Every time you eat, you get a little metabolic boost,” says Amy Lanou, PhD, nutritionist and assistant professor of health and wellness at the University of North Carolina in Ashville. “When you graze, you don’t have a lot of time between meals, and you’re burning up fuel at a faster rate.” The Body for Life diet also stresses balancing. According to the Body for Life diet, protein stabilizes insulin levels, which helps keep energy levels steady throughout the day, and can also help curb your appetite.

The weight training and cardio exercise component of the Body for Life diet is intended to burn fat, increase your metabolic rate, and change the shape of your body. Body for Life Diet: A Sample Day’s Menu A typical day’s meals might include a burrito breakfast; a nutrition snack bar; a turkey sandwich and an apple for lunch; a nutrition shake as a second snack; steak, steamed veggies, and a sweet potato for dinner; and rice pudding as the final snack. Water is suggested with each meal and snack.

Suggested snacks include products from Phillips’ performance-nutrition company, including the Myoplex nutrition bar and the Myoplex shake. Cracks and serials. Body for Life Diet: Pros “Lots of people have been helped by Phillips’ work,” says Lanou. The has testimonials and photos of people who have participated in the Body for Life diet.


There are also healthy components to the Body for Life diet nutritional recommendations. “It’s high in vegetables and whole grains,” says Lanou. Another factor: “Compared to many other diets, the Body for Life diet is more doable,” says dietitian Lona Sandon, MEd, an American Dietetic Association spokesperson.

“It has more variety so you’re less likely to get bored than with [other diets]. People can stay on it for the long term.” Body for Life Diet: Cons “My biggest problem with the Body for Life diet is that it’s way too high in protein,” says Lanou. “It has as much as 40 to 50 percent of daily calories from protein. We only need 10 to 15 percent.” Animal proteins in excessive amounts, says Lanou, have been linked to a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine also faults the diet for its heavy emphasis on protein.