Open Source Serial Port Sniffer
To educate current and future generations of network engineers, network architects, application engineers, network consultants, and other IT professionals in best practices for troubleshooting, securing, analyzing, and maintaining productive, efficient networking infrastructures through use of the Wireshark free, open source analysis tool. GIMX is an open source solution that allows using alternative input methods on most of modern gaming consoles like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. Beside the software it requires to assemble DIY adapter from off the shelf parts to emulate original controllers and translate the input from serial port.
From time to time we need to monitor activities of our serial ports, say, developers might have to sniff RS232 or RS485 port to code an application or create a driver for a serial device. Windows OS, however, does not have built-in COM monitor so you cannot really watch the data flow in and out of the port unless you employ one of these methods: • Use COM Port Sniffer utility, this would be the easiest solution to the problem.
Special applications are designed to listen to activities at both ends of the communication and display the data on a screen or record it on a disk. • Hardware RS232 sniffer - although it has disadvantages, it is really handy in certain cases.
For example, a full duplex communication on an RS232 channel does not allow one to tie both lines together, two serial ports are monitored separately. Contents • •.
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Well, as far as i know, IoGetDeviceObjectPointer() can not be used for all devices, specially when those devices already 'being opened' by another application. But there is another way to do 'attach and detach device', by creating a filter driver for those devices, modify some registry(ies) and let the PnP Manager and/or I/O Manager do that for you. For the detail how to do this, you can see the the sample in WDK, unfortunately i forgot what sample for specific, but i think (if i'm not mistaken) sample about disk performance. Member 10398370 7-Jan-14 21:58 7-Jan-14 21:58 Hello,Good afternoon,I have a question need to ask you. In the filter driver development, when there is data in the data queue, using the event to notify the application. Create an event in the application, It is passed to the driver via DeviceIoControl.
While waiting for an event using threads in the application, there is a signal event, to fetch data. Such a program structure, when the application is running, and the serial transceivers the data transceiver, PC happens blue screen. If the application and the serial are not both running, PC does not blue screen.what causes the problem? In your routine, the application uses the OVERLAPPED structure, does OVERLAPPED I / O in the filter driver is necessary? Thank you very much. Member 10398370 wrote:Hello,Good afternoon,I have a question need to ask you.
In the filter driver development, when there is data in the data queue, using the event to notify the application. Create an event in the application, It is passed to the driver via DeviceIoControl. While waiting for an event using threads in the application, there is a signal event, to fetch data. Such a program structure, when the application is running, and the serial transceivers the data transceiver, PC happens blue screen. If the application and the serial are not both running, PC does not blue screen.what causes the problem?
May 10, 2015 -:// Jul 20, 2016. Blank zakaz naryad na remont avtomobilya. Jul 19, 2016.
Well, unfortunately I've never use that event mechanism, so I can tell you nothing. Member 10398370 wrote:In your routine, the application uses the OVERLAPPED structure, does OVERLAPPED I / O in the filter driver is necessary? Actually it is just a trick. I was using OVERLAPPED structure, create asynchronous I/O, so I can make the handle of I/O request invalid from another thread by issuing CloseHandle() thus stopping 'the loop reader' (check out CDkPortClient::GetData(.) in file DkPortClient.cpp), without that 'the loop reader' will not stop and this will make application unstable or hung.
Note that, this is the behavior of window application not DOS application. In DOS application I can make 'the loop reader' without create asynchronous operation, just create the loop in another thread then make handle invalid in the main thread, maybe this because NTVDM, which running below DOS application, might do some filtering mechanism before I/O operation reach the kernel. This behaviour is true, at least in the Windows XP with SP 2. .inf file is not part of the codes, it is more like a hint for Windows to install driver, and I wrote it 'manually' by 'guiden' of the samples in WDK.