Simatics7 200s7 300mmcpasswordunlock20060911 Rar File

I have downloaded WinRAR and StuffIt 11, but I still can't figure out how to extract the.rar files. I also have no idea where to extract them to. I've looked on a few different websites regarding this, and they all say different things.

SIMATIC S7-1500 Software Controller Supplements to CPU 1505SP (F), CPU 1507S (F) Version 2 SIMATIC S7-1500 Software Controller CPU 1505SP (F/T/TF), CPU 1507S (F) Version 2.5 SIMATIC S7-1500 Software Controller Additional Information on CPU 1505S/CPU 1507S.

I would appreciate it very much if you could please tell me. I have downloaded WinRAR and StuffIt 11, but I still can't figure out how to extract the.rar files. I also have no idea where to extract them to. I've looked on a few different websites regarding this, and they all say different things. I would appreciate it very much if you could please tell me step-by-step instructions on how and where to extract.rar files for The Sims 2.

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Hi every body, last two weeks I was working on understanding what are S7-31x MMCs. In the end I collected following information: 64KB-4MB SIEMENS MMC cards are standard 16MB MMCs with special SIEMENS format. Datasheet at 8MB SIEMENS MMCs are the same but 32MB MMCs. You can make bit copy of these MMCs by using tools at in standard MMC/SD card reader. By using this tools you also copy the special SIEMENS format. But in case you would like to use non SIEMENS 16MB or 32MB MMC, you cant use it in S7 as every MMC has private CID and CSD register where are stored informacion as OEM/APPLICATION ID, PRODUCT NAME. The example of SIEMENS 64KB MMC is at CID is OTP register and first 14 bytes of CSD are programed only by manufacturer.

S7 checks and compares stored info. From CID and CSD.

If you have SIEMENS MMC accidentaly formated in standard MMC/SD card reader/writer (for example as FAT format) you can repair it in this standard MMC/SD reader/writer. Read original SIEMENS MMC by S7imgrd (the same size as failed card) 2. Write this image to failed MMC by S7imgwr When I was analyzing MMCs I also find out how is the password stored at the MMC. If you have any question, email me at

Hello, I'm sorry, I have made mistake in description, if you need to make true bit copy of MMC card or you want to repair failed MMC card, you have to use WinHex program (Here is a procedure: a) read the original MMC in 2 steps 1. 64KB image 8MB image b) write the original image into failed MMC 1. Dont you afraid if you receive the following notice 3.!!!! S7imgrd and S7imgwr don't make true bit copy of MMC!!!! Petr You are right, but you can use MMC from other manufacturer if CID and CSD records in the MMC match the SIEMENS CID, CSD records.